Data Compliance

As outlined in the AlphaNow Terms of Use, AlphaNow does three processes to comply with countries’ data governance policies. The processes are expiring Alphas, anonymizing admin and host users, and anonymizing guest users. 

Alpha Expiration 

  • Alphas will expire 6 months after creation 
  • Admins can see how many days before the Alpha expires on the manage page 
  • After an alpha expires the alpha link will go to an expiration page 
  • On the manage page, the manage small groups tab will be removed and the details and report tabs will be read-only 
  • On the dashboard, the alpha status say “Expired” and for admins, the “Manage” button will be renamed to “Review Details” 

Admin and Host user anonymization 

  • Admin and host users’ email and name will be anonymized after 6 months of inactivity 

Guest user anonymization 

  • Guest users’ email and name will be anonymized 6 months after the creation of the latest joined Alpha 

Request User Account Deletion 

  1. Click on the chatbot on the bottom right corner of this page 
  2. Click “Send us a message” 
  3. On the pre-selected chatbot responses, click “I have another query” 
  4. On the pre-selected chatbot responses, click “I have another query” 
  5. Provide your name in the input field 
  6. In the form, enter your email and write you are requesting account deletion in the message and submit 
  7. You will receive a response back to your inputted email to complete the deletion process